Person sleeping with their cat

5 Ways for Achieving Mental Fitness

January is the season of resolutions. Most resolutions involve health, fitness, money and relationships. Talking about health and fitness, there is a difference, however, between physical fitness through exercise versus mental health. Like all self-improving endeavors now is a better time than any to focus on a healthy mindset! Use these 5 tips to help you achieve and maintain a positive, strong mentality.

Get Enough Sleep

This is not new information by any sorts, however, when it comes to mental fitness, sleep is the number one factor. Sleep allows for both the body and mind to restore and recharge itself for the next day. The recommended amount of sleep for adults is a minimum 7 hours. Any less could put you at a sleep deficit and susceptibility for fatigue, moodiness, and an irregular metabolic cycle amongst other symptoms. To ensure you get enough sleep, try establishing a sleep routine that may include disengaging from work, screens and eating at least one hour prior to bedtime.

Person sleeping with their cat


Take Time to Mentally Unwind; Meditate

Throughout each day events occur. Sometimes we are too busy to notice their impact until suddenly we feel exhausted, irritable or unable to focus properly. Taking moments to be silent or mindful enable us to process events of the day, whether or not we believe they are needed. Scheduling moments to meditate or be mindful, be it during a meal, in the car, or simply sitting in a quiet room, should be scheduled into each day like you would an appointment. Thus, ensuring more successful follow through. Many people find spending 5 minutes in the morning quieting sipping a hot beverage helps invoke calmness into the rest of their day.

Stimulate Your Brain

Your brain is a muscle and a strong one at that. Like the rest of your body, it needs to be exercised in order to stay sharp. Reading, writing, playing games and meditating are all great ways to stimulate your brain and keep it strong!

Recognize Signs of Exhaustion and Fatigue

If focus, problem-solving and alertness are signs of mental fitness, then we can rationalize that exhaustion, inability to concentrate and fatigue are symptoms of mental weakness. Be aware of these signs throughout your day. Perhaps you find it difficult to wake up in the morning or struggle to focus in the afternoon. Acknowledge these signs and schedule a mental exercise in and amongst your day. Diet and exercise also play a key role in brain functioning so caution yourself with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Engage in Healthy Coping Strategies When the Going Gets Tough

It is easy to have a healthy mindset when things are going well. Inevitably, there will come a time (perhaps more than you’d like) when your mental strength will be tested. This may occur during a stressful week at work, life demands to outweigh your capacity to manage, you catch a cold or are experiencing relationship issues. These situations can cause stress and anxiety to manifest in various ways. In order to cope, one must mentally practice patience, compassion, and resiliency. Patience, compassion, and resiliency are various mindsets that enable one to stay calm in the face of chaos, and self-regulate when overwhelmed or triggered.

5 Ways to Achieving Mental Fitness

It is no easy process trying to attain mental fitness. Luckily there are professionals in the field of mental health that devote their lives to helping others achieve such mental strengths as mindfulness, patience, compassion, and resiliency. Prioritizing your mind means you prioritize your overall health and well-being. If you feel like you would like to take the next step in mental fitness, book an appointment with us. We would be happy to guide you through the process!

~ Christine of Parallel Wellness

Hey there!!

I'm Meredith MacKenzie, the founder of Parallel Wellness and a Registered Clinical Counsellor. Simply put, I love to talk about psychology, emotions and all the things that make us human. My goal for this blog is to share information, resources and a fresh perspective on what brings clients to our practice.

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Hey there!!

I'm Meredith MacKenzie, the founder of Parallel Wellness and a Registered Clinical Counsellor. Simply put, I love to talk about psychology, emotions and all the things that make us human. My goal for this blog is to share information, resources and a fresh perspective on what brings clients to our practice.

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