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Back to school time presents a host of anxieties for children and youth. Read Jannie Ngo’s ideas for how to handle back to school anxiety.

Anxiety, Children

August 27, 2019

Back to School Anxiety: How to Handle Back to School Anxiety

Classroom of students looking at a presentation, with the professor at the front of the class. The words "How to Handle Back to School Anxiety" overlay the image.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation is the intentional tensing and releasing of various muscle groups to restore a sense of relaxation and calm to your body and is a great technique for stress reduction. It is suggested to hold the tension in a muscle group for 7-10 seconds. If you have any pain or discomfort at a […]

Anxiety, Depression, Resources, Stress Reduction

September 24, 2018

Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Calm Your Body and Mind

This article is a special feature written by Paul Sweatman, a divorce mediator practice in the Vancouver-area. Paul offers clients an alternative to using a lawyer for the entire process, creating a space for dignity and respect. We’re happy to feature Paul’s article and recommend his services to our clients going through a divorce. I once traveled […]

Couples, Divorce

September 25, 2017

Marriage as a Flight: A Divorce Mediator’s Perspective

Marriage as a Flight - divorce mediation

Everyone struggles with feeling tired from time to time. It’s very common that people misuse, and sometimes abuse, the quick fix remedy of caffeine. Caffeine takes its form in various foods we eat, however, our North American culture is highly conditioned to sip a coffee, tea, or energy drink to keep our eyes open and […]

Health for Mental Health, Stress Reduction

August 5, 2017

10 Effective Ways to Stay Awake Without Caffeine

10 Ways to Stay Away Without Caffeine

  Netflix produces series and movies have become an entertainment source many people have come to look forward to. They’re gutsy and tell unique stories that you won’t find anywhere else. When I received the announcement to my email inbox that Netflix next slatted hit was a movie staring Lily Collins, about a women seeking […]

Eating Disorders, In the Media

July 20, 2017

‘To The Bone’: More Harm than Help

Anorexia Nervosa is one of the most challenging and enduring mental health disorders for an individual to overcome. Beyond the very serious medical symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa, it is characterized by specific mental health symptoms that maintain the disorder. This includes a tendency to become fixated on rules regarding eating and exercise. Even when someone […]

Eating Disorders

June 5, 2017

Why is Anorexia Nervosa So Difficult to Overcome?

Counselling for infidelity, otherwise known as cheating, is surprisingly not uncommon. A commonality among all instances of infidelity in a relationship, is the lack of trust the injured partner feels for their offending partner. When a relationship fractures due to infidelity, there are steps that must occur for healthy recovery. Most times, infidelity occurs in part by dissatisfaction […]


May 8, 2017

Can a Relationship Survive Cheating? How Partners Can Rebuild Trust in a Fractured Relationship

I aspire to meet the person, especially living in Vancouver or the Lower Mainland, who arrives home at the end of the day, every day, feeling completely relaxed and restful. Many of us are looking for strategies to reduce stress and decompress throughout the week. A good song playing in the car on the commute home, […]

Depression, Health for Mental Health, Stress Reduction

April 24, 2017

12 Effective Strategies to Reduce Stress During the Work Week

Strategies to Reduce Stress

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